~^~Kristen DeAnn's Page~^~
~Kristen's Shoutoutz~
Pictures of Me and Ricky
~*~To My Ricky Lee Sims~*~
~*~To My Best Friend Danielle~*~
~*~FaMiLy PiCtUrEs~*~
~(~ Qoutes ~(~
~Cute Icons~
~Funny Pictures~
~*~All About Danielle~*~
~Kristen's Shoutoutz~
*Pictures of My Friends*
More Pics of Me -n- Danielle
~About Kristen~
~(~My Family Hobbies~(~
~*~My oLd HoMiEs~*~
~*~Pictures Of Kristen~*~
~*~Pictures of Danielle~*~


Danielle Leigh: Hey sister(*Cough*LJ)Danielle and LJ lol
LJ: Hey BUddy, thank for all you help. I love ya
Brent:Hey Fag,(**Ur datin an ugly Rat**)lol haha
Kyle Long: Hey sweetie(Nite of my b-day lol)I had fun with you at the race Track
Shawn H:Hey shawn(I will alwayz remember u)
Shaun Carver: I dont get to see you much anymore
Paul Fyle: Hey fag lol j/p I love ya even tho we lasted a month
Brendon B:Hey Brendon(U love Danielle)haha
Alisa S: hey gurl(I love that Golf Cart(U love Kitty)and that kitty ran away
Mallory:hey Gurl,dont change to much!!!
Tony L:  I love ya Tony! It was fun over Danielle's House! hehe
Brandon W.You know I love ya!
Sarah L: Sorry athony broke up with ya
Ricky Sims: Hey baby. I love you with all my heart. Dont ever forget that.You are a great guy that loves me for who I am
Cj: hey babe.. I love you also.muaw! Love u!
Joshua Lamer: hey Babe..I know you like Change your name to Page. But I am still gonna call you Josh lamer. hehe I love you lots! haha you got the longest Shout out. lol hehe!

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